Building on our expertise in medical technology, diagnostics, and life sciences, we’ve crafted a strategic collaboration approach to support startups transition product concepts into efficient volume production.
Involve Industry Partners at an Early Stage
Are you an up-and-coming business seeking industrial manufacturing expertise? We are here to help you hit the ground running by engaging our plastics and process engineers early in the product development and launch journey. From the initial design phase, we offer crucial insights on plastic selection, mold design, production considerations, logistics, and packaging. This proactive approach ensures a streamlined path to finalizing your design, preventing costly and time-consuming adjustments in later stages of production.
A Partnership of Equals
We are committed to fostering a strong, collaborative partnership centered on clearly defined project goals, milestones, and responsibilities for both parties. You bring the product expertise and we provide the production capabilities. Together, we strategize the necessary process steps, automation levels, and overall project management.
Our approach emphasizes what we call “breathing production,” prioritizing flexibility in our production systems. This enables us to efficiently manage fluctuating volumes typical of start-up products, facilitating efficient scaling up or down as needed.
Support Throughout the Product Development Process
If your concept for a medical test carrier system or diagnostic tool is in its early stages and you require assistance preparing it for volume production, reach out to us. We offer guidance throughout the entire planning and production journey, extending beyond plastic injection molding. Our process development and quality departments are best involved from the beginning of the product development process, and all team members help control and manage the cost of investments and the final product itself.